Understanding Risk Factors for Addiction: A Guide for Parents

More than 80 percent of American people view drug abuse as a serious issue in the area that they live. Many fail to see the reality of the devasting issue surrounding drugs in our society today. The prevalence of drug abuse is only increasing and putting more teens and young adults at risk. For many parents, a top priority is figuring out ways to keep their children safe and away from risks of substance abuse.

Understanding the risk factors for addiction can help you spot problems with your child early on. Neglecting to act when tell-tale signs of drug abuse arise will only lead to this problem getting worse. While confronting a teen with a drug problem can be stressful, it is essential when trying to get them the help they need.

Seeking out the advice of an addiction specialist can help you during the intervention planning process. These professionals will help supervise the intervention and provide your child with information on what their treatment options are.

Are you curious about what the risk factors for addiction? If so, take a look at the following information.

Increased Drowsiness or Excitability are Common Risk Factors For Addiction

For most parents, noticing a change in their child’s behavior can be hard to do. When you see someone on a daily basis, small warning signs of drug abuse my get passed you. Taking the time to observe your teen can provide you with some useful information when trying to figure out if they have a drug problem.

If you start to notice your child is sleepier or more excitable than you have ever seen them, you need to dig a bit deeper. Often times, severe drowsiness or excitability can be an indication that your child is using drugs.

The drowsiness is caused by opiates or other drugs that are considered “downers”. If your child is more excitable, then this could be caused by the consumption of methamphetamines or other stimulants. Reaching out to an addiction specialist can help you figure out what drugs your child may be using.

High Levels of Irritability and Anger

Anyone who has raised a teen knows what fickle and angry creatures they can be at times. However, there is definitely a difference in typical hormonal teenage anger and the irritability that comes with using drugs regularly. When teens start to become irritable all of the time and stop talking to their parents, there is a cause for alarm.

The worst mistake you can make when confronted with this anger is to lash out. If you have a huge fight with your teen, they will feel like they can’t confide in you. While keeping the lines of communication may be difficult, it is worth it.

Letting your teen know they can talk to you about anything can help them find the light in a dark situation. If your teen confides in you they have a drug problem, work on finding a solution. Exploring drug treatment options together is important and can help you rebuild this relationship.

Your Teen is Hanging Out With a New Group of Friends

Peer pressure can be a very powerful force. Good teens have been led astray by supposed friends who want them to try a new drug. As a parent, it is your job to know who your child’s friends are and what their home life is like.

If your teen has abandoned their old group of friends, you need to find out why. In some cases, your teen may be evasive when pressed on the issue of why they have found a new group of friends. Dulling out punishment and taking away privileges may help this problem momentarily, but it will not solve it.

Talking with your teen in a calm and collected manner is a good idea when trying to get to the bottom of these sudden changes. If your child feels like you are on their side, they are more apt to tell you the truth about what is going on. The moment you severe these lines of communication, the harder you will find it to reach your teen.

Increased Spending is a Red Flag

Most parents provide their teens with an allowance each week. This money is usually spent on things like gas or even meals. If your teen starts to request more money with each passing week, you need to take notice of this red flag.

Is your teen confrontational when confronted about their increased spending? If so, this may be an indication they are using the money for drugs. Instead of giving in and supplying your child with the money they want, you need to cut them off until you get answers.

You don’t want to ignore this problem and inadvertently fund your child’s drug problem. The time and effort you put into getting to the bottom of these spending issues will be worth it.

A Noticeable Decline in Your Child’s GPA

Pushing a child to do well in school can help them get into college and get a good job in the future. When a child goes from making straight A’s to barely passing, you need to take notice. If a child is doing drugs, their focus will be on obtaining the substances they need to function and not their schoolwork.

The longer you wait to address and fix this problem, the harder it will be for your child to do well in school. Going in and meeting with your teen’s teachers can give you an idea of whether or not they have noticed any changes in behavior. If there is a consensus among the teachers that there is a definite problem, reaching out to an addiction counselor is a must.

Take Your Time to Find the Right Drug Treatment Facility

If you have noticed one or many of the risk factors for addiction mentioned above, now is the time to act. Taking the time to research the drug treatment facilities in your area is essential before making a decision.

Are you looking for drug treatment options in Arizona? If so, contact us now to find out how we can help.


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