Rehab or Your Job: You Don’t Have to Choose

Stressing about how to keep your current job while you go to rehab? Turns out that Fear is the top reason that stops alcoholics and addicts from seeking help. The fears of repercussions are what keeps addicts stuck in a cycle of self-destruction.

Is there currently a way we can assist those we love with addiction before its all too late? Our belief is that recovery is possible for everyone. That’s why our specialists strive to bring quality treatment to each patient.

Yet, we can’t help if you or the one you love is afraid to lose their work. Treatment programs should be the root of healing, not a cause for fear. We’re aiming to ease the fears or hesitations about job loss and rehab.

Read on to uncover why you won’t lose your job during rehab!

Need Rehab? Here’s How to Keep Your Job!

Accepting that you need treatment is the first step to recovery. Planning to get treatment is the first step toward a new life. But are you letting the fear of losing your job hold you back?

We’re here to tell you—don’t! Before you can start any paperwork or making decisions, you’ll need each help. Round up a group of close family and friends.

You want people surrounding you that are loving and supporting. Having supporting people by your side will keep you strong. They’ll encourage your confidence and strengthen your decision to get treatment.

The beginning steps are when addicts are the most vulnerable to falling off track. That’s because it’s scary and involves an unfamiliar change. You also know that it is going to be challenging.

The good news is that the people you love are going to be with you. You won’t have to heal and recover on your own. Mental health professionals help you put your life on hold while getting better.

Here’s what you’ll need to do!

First: Understand the Process of Treatment

A 12 step treatment program helps those with addiction. This is the most common treatment program for addicts. It tackles issues like:

  • Denial/Acceptance
  • Withdrawal and drug detox
  • Healthy coping mechanisms
  • Forgiveness
  • Clear and accurate communication
  • Spirituality
  • Release of anger

The list of elements goes far beyond mere twelve steps. But the twelve steps are a basic template to take you from one touchstone to the next. Know that this program is life-changing and successful.

When you put your mind to changing your circumstance, you can find the power within. This isn’t an overnight job, and you have to make time to recover. You might be wondering: how to do I make time with my job?

That’s where the law comes into play. You’ll need to think about your current situation. Are you abusing alcohol or other substances in the present while employed?

If so, then you need to apply for FMLA or ADA ASAP!

Second: Research the Law, Disability, and Your Rights

Addicts should know of the Americans Disability Act and the Family and Medical Leave Act. ADA and FMLA protect addicts while they’re seeking treatment in rehab or support. But there are a couple catches that you need to be aware of!

The type of drug use matters, and timing, or when you seek treatment, affect your job protection. FMLA covers addicts in rehab, which means you can’t get fired. Though, you have to seek treatment before your addiction causes problems at work.

If you’re using illegal drugs without seeking help, your boss can fire you. What happens if you do get fired while under ADA or FMLA? While it’s possible to still get fired, this could mean serious trouble for the company that does.

At that point, you would have every right to sue the company.

Third: Get Familiar with Discrimination in Law and How It Applies to Addiction

Since addiction is a mental illness, it is also considered a disability. That’s why you are safe under the ADA and FMLA acts. While you’re under ADA or FMLA, going to rehab is a safe bet.

You will have the confidence that when you get back you’ll still have an income to get through. Getting fired even under FMLA or ADA is discrimination in law. You can sue the company that fires you for discrimination against your disability.

There is also the option to apply for unemployment funding until you find a better position.

Four: Is Your Job the Right Fit for You and Your Recovery? Be Honest and Realistic with Yourself and Your Goals to Get Success!

Remember that sometimes it’s better to lose a job that’s doing you more harm than good. You need positive energy in your life before, during, and after recovery. A stressful job could do damage to your recovery than the income or benefits it provides.

Keep in mind that new jobs have probation periods for insurance coverage and drug tests. Setting up counseling appointments can help you return to a difficult job position. Always have a support group to turn to when treatment or life becomes overwhelming.

Ask for help the moment you notice triggers or poor coping mechanisms pop up. Therapy helps navigate stress and ease the burden of a demanding corporate world. You are the priority, so be honest and set yourself up for success.

Beginning the Journey One Step at a Time

Knowing how to keep your job during rehab is about knowing the law. It’s also about having the right people by your side to guide you through tough decisions. Seeking the best people to help you through recovery can be a tough choice.

Drugs and alcohol mold our perception in an unhealthy way. Professional help is a great starting point to overcome the starting phases! They’ll lead you in the direction to getting healthy, and being the support you need.

Reach out to us with all your questions and concerns about rehab! That way you can know you’re making the best choice for you and your future. Stay strong, maintain your belief that it’s possible, and remember you are not alone.


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