How Do I Know a Particular Drug Addiction Rehab Center is Right for Me?

Trying to find the right drug addiction rehab center for your very individual needs can be overwhelming. A simple online search leads to many possibilities all across the country. While many of these choices seem promising, do they offer what you really need? Is the focus on sustained recovery, or is much of the drug […]

Are the Best Alcohol Rehab Centers Always in Well Known?

Trying to find the best alcohol rehab centers to choose from can be like searching for needles in a haystack. A web search easily leads to hundreds of options, some of which you may be familiar with and others that are a mystery to you. All of these options purport to be the best alcohol […]

5 Signs You’re Ready for Substance Abuse Rehabilitation

Substance abuse rehabilitation provides comprehensive help for those people who are ready to get their lives back on track and enjoy a more fulfilling future. When substance abuse takes hold, rehab is a very necessary step toward freedom from the problems that otherwise won’t go away. Five Signs You’re Ready for Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Many […]

How the Abuse of Prescription Pain Medications Can Lead To Heroin Use [Infographic]

Prescription Pain Medications Many individuals who struggle with an addiction to heroin originally began by abusing prescription pain medications. All too often, people mistakenly believe that prescription painkillers are less addictive, dangerous or problematic than drugs like heroin, but the two are inextricably linked. The use of prescription pain medications can and often does lead […]

Struggling with Alcoholism: How to Stop Drinking

When you’re struggling with alcoholism, attempts to stop drinking are often difficult. However, steps can be taken to progress toward recovery and ensure a successful return to a fulfilling life. It’s important to recognize that stopping substance abuse requires outside help for sobriety to be achievable and lasting. Why You Need to Know How to […]

Inpatient vs Outpatient Rehab: What You Need to Know

If you are thinking about going to rehab, you’ll need to understand which direction is best for you to take.  knowing where you stand with everything can be hard, especially when you make the decision that help is needed. If you’ve been an addict for a long time, how should you decide what kind of […]

Rehab or Your Job: You Don’t Have to Choose

Stressing about how to keep your current job while you go to rehab? Turns out that Fear is the top reason that stops alcoholics and addicts from seeking help. The fears of repercussions are what keeps addicts stuck in a cycle of self-destruction. Is there currently a way we can assist those we love with […]

Used and Abused: The Most Common Types of Prescription Drugs that are Abused

Do you wonder why America has been so taken by substance abuse over the years? If you’ve been affected by addiction, then you know how troubling it is to see the state of substance abuse worsen each year. To the uneducated, it might be the result of alcohol or street drugs like heroin and amphetamines. […]

Your Words Are Important! 3 Things to Never Say to an Alcoholic

Alcohol abuse and alcohol is not something to take lightly, it is a disease. The disease of alcoholism impacts people everywhere without discrimination. Unfortunately, alcohol abuse takes the lives of over 88,000 people in the United States every year. If someone close to you is hurting and struggling with alcohol, there are ways you can […]

Loving an Addict: 6 Thoughtful Ways to Show Recovery Support

Loving an addict becomes a lot easier when they decide to go through rehab. While recovery doesn’t fix all the pain that he or she may have caused you in the past, it is a step in the right direction. It shows that they’re not going to continue to let drugs wreck their life and […]